Recent Reviews

What Lies Beneath

FANTASY: Nurse, Ambulance Driver, Navy Base Secretary are all occupations denied to 17 year old Emma Verlaine. Desperate to escape her sheltered life and do something meaningful to support the young men enlisting to fight in the Great War. Malcolm helps run his family's Cape Cod resort and leads a secret special patrol team for the US Navy.

Hunter was a Roman gladiator and slave, who suffered both physically and mentally as a human. He was forced to fight and do unthinkable things. Now he is a vampire hunter who is at his friends’ Stacy and Charles’ wedding. Hunter is being pursued by a former master for revenge, who is also making rogue vampires. Dr.

His Pretend Duchess

Oliver is the Duke of Scarborough, who is of mixed heritage. He loved his father very much and wants to follow in his footsteps. Marjorie is the daughter of deceased Viscount Highmore, whose reputation is in tatters after her fiancé left her at the altar for scandalous reasons. Oliver needs a pretend fiancée to inherit land in his maternal grandmother’s name.

For Your Bite Only

Luca is a violinist and Jasmine is a pianist. Jasmine almost married Luca’s brother, but the engagement was broken. She remained friends with his brother who encouraged her to perform again with Luca. Luca has always had feelings for her but never pursued them. When they perform together, there is magic and chemistry abounding that brings them closer together.

Xander is the powerful Fae King, who is very bored and looking for some excitement in his life. He has never been in love and always has a woman to satisfy his needs. Xander is very powerful and does not let anyone take control from him. Gabriella is the pure one kidnapped by Xander. She was raised and trained to be the bride of the archangel and to ascend and get her wings.
