Recent Reviews

The Price of Glory

Analiese Cloutier has dedicated herself to her training as one of the few female medical practitioners in Egypt. She is determined to fulfill the promise of her father's health program to eradicate smallpox. Richard Mallet has his own dreams to pursue. He seeks to discover the meaning of an ancient language and take his place among the academic elite.

When she is widowed by her husband’s foolish dueling, Clara, Duchess of Surrey must find a way to avoid marrying the man he promised her to. Her best protection is to marry someone first, so she seeks out Mrs. Dove-Lyon, a well-known matchmaker.

Having put in a fair amount of strenuous effort to gain a place at Miss Clarke’s prestigious Governess Bureau, Meredith Hubert has completed her first assignment with a glowing recommendation. Eager to begin her next assignment, Meredith goes straight to work for Alfred, Duke of Rochdale, who needs his half-brother out of his hair so he can focus on his parliamentary re-election.

Orphaned as an infant, Cecily Neville was raised and educated by the hospitallers of her village until the reformation forced them from their homes and into hiding. Now she and the three remaining former monks live quietly, hiding their Catholicism and hoping to escape persecution. Unfortunately, Cecily has made an enemy of the new landlord of the area, Allan Smythe.

Driven away from his home and family, Ewan Ross is searching for his place in the world and a motivation for his life. In seeking revenge for an attack on a woman he has come to care for, Ewan finds a small bit of usefulness. Catriona Mackay has spent the past year recovering from a brutal attack and is just learning to live again.
