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Zoe Tremblay is the Ice Princess. The only spawn of Victorine Tremblay, head of the Montreal Vampire Syndicate, Zoe is famous for her frosty demeanour. But Rafael Kral was able to break through her glacial exterior. Rafe is a dhampir, half vampire and half human. He’s a Dark Angel, one of the sons of Victorine’s mortal nemesis, Karoly Kral of the Manhattan Syndicate.

Tresta D’Mearc is angry and heartbroken. Her husband and love of her life, Teague D’Mearc, Lord Dorstone, has chosen to answer His Majesty’s call to arms. Teague leads his knights into battle, not to defend their home, but to join King Richard’s Crusade for the Holy Land. Tresta knows she will never see her husband again if they are separated.

In 1857 London, Alice Loughton, a young, shy, and at times socially awkward woman, is going into her first season. Her brother, Oliver, wants Alice to find a husband. As Alice goes to the required social events, she is terribly uncomfortable. She is incredibly shy and finds she has a problem—her brother's longtime best friend Frederick Kempton.

Old friends. Old flames. Murder. Nick Ryan, a homicide detective, has caught another murder.  As Nick starts his investigation, he realizes the house he’s searching belongs to Elizabeth and Oliver Harper—best friends from his past. He has known Elizabeth and Oliver since fifth grade but doesn’t talk to them anymore, a fact he chooses to not tell a soul until he has to.

Marcus Berkly is London’s top eye surgeon. But society has a very low view of him. As the son of a murderer, polite society wants nothing to do with him. When a chance encounter leads to him make the acquaintance of Lady Louise, he can’t get her out of his mind. Lady Louise has suffered from cataracts almost her entire life.
