Recent Reviews

Brides and Brothers
Anneka R.

In the small town of Cherish, Montana, where everyone seems to find love young, Camille is heading toward being called an Old Maid – and she’s not even 30! When Camille has computer issues, the repair guy she’s able to get ahold of is Aiden Peterson, handsome, charming, everything a girl could want… and the oldest of seven brothers.

A young boy is found dead on a bench in Lithia Park in Ashland, Oregon. The mayor wants an arrest made and the culprit brought to justice in the least amount of time possible.

Alice, Betty, and Lizzie have been best friends for as long as their adventurous minds can remember. As the Spanish Flu sweeps through their homes, Harry and Fin are on their way to their homes in Pine Lake after serving their time in the war. Nothing would make Alice happier than getting married to Harry. However, one of her best friends has her eyes and heart set on him. Is it Betty?

5 Clones

SCI-FI: Dan is on his way to California after losing his ranch in Colorado to floods. However, his journey is not easy as he has to deal with some harsh realities after the State of California exits the USA. Accompanying him are his clones, but they are soon joined by a woman who could be dangerous, to say the least.

Olive Muegge responds to a Wanted Ad for a bride: “a quiet wife for a quiet life.” She brings her optimism and energy to mid-1800’s Wylder, Wyoming Territory. Olive is not the quiet type, but that’s the least of the secrets she is keeping from her new intended, Nartan Sagebrush. Before Nartan collects Olive from the stagecoach stop, she’s already stirred up some excitement with the town bully.
