Recent Reviews

Living most of her life in London among a world of artists of all types, Jane knows what she wants in a marriage, and it isn’t one where her only job is to produce an heir. When her father sets up a marriage between her and Cornelius, the Duke of Sidmouth, Jane is shockingly accused of being an unrepentant wanton and not at all a virgin on their honeymoon.

Gabby Lopez is angry and frustrated when her car loan is declined. Unfortunately for Charles Anderssohn, the president of the first Federal Bank of Salmon Run, the last thing he wants is to antagonize Gabby when he’d much prefer to ask her out on a date. Luckily for Charles, a few more interactions with the striking single mom begins to change her mind.

Evelina Franklin dreams of true love like she reads about in her romance novels, with handsome dukes and dashing highwayman. Instead, her enormous dowery seems to attract only fortune hunters. Madoc, the Earl of Brecken, needs money.

Ace High (Lost Creek Rodeo #6)
Heather B. Moore, Rebecca Connolly &
Sophia Summers

Lars Jackson has come to Lost Creek between his rodeo events to help his good friend Ryan and Ryan’s sister Kellie with their ranch while saving money for his own place. After many years of admiring Ryan’s sister from a distance, he’s become content to be a family friend. But now, Kellie is single and he might just be able to be more than a listening ear if she will let him.

LGBTQ: While walking in St James Park, Xavier Lawrence, valet to Duke Selby, is dared by his friends to find a willing man for sexual gratification. Xavier is a bit apprehensive, but goes along with it and finds Alexander “Zander” Plushenko agreeable to pleasing him. Just as Xavier and Xander are kissing and touching each other passionately, they are caught by the police.
