The Price of Glory


Analiese Cloutier has dedicated herself to her training as one of the few female medical practitioners in Egypt. She is determined to fulfill the promise of her father's health program to eradicate smallpox. Richard Mallet has his own dreams to pursue. He seeks to discover the meaning of an ancient language and take his place among the academic elite. Political intrigue and machinations, however, will impact both their plans. They seem fated to travel towards Khartoum together. It's a journey that allows them to get to know one another. In Khartoum Ana soon finds that danger lurks everywhere and allies are few. Richard goes to her rescue but is unexpectedly forced to marry her. The two flee across Egypt's deserts and sea to find safety. Then they must decide, end the marriage, or take the chance of a lifetime!

"The Price of Glory" delivers a thrilling historical romance that draws the reader in from the beginning! Ana is a woman trapped by society's conventions regarding medicine and work. Her persistence borders on stubbornness, but her passion and compassion are a powerful combination. Though Richard is younger, he is the perfect match for Ana, understanding her ambition and recognizing her needs. Every scene, every description, paints a vivid picture of life in mid-18th century Egypt during the Ottoman Empire. The vying agendas of various world powers emphasize the stakes at play. Egypt's campaign to vaccinate its population against smallpox provides a fascinating backdrop that enhances the suspense and tension of the story. "The Price of Glory" is an outstanding choice for anyone wanting a historical romance that will captivate the imagination!

Tricia Hill