Reviews - Paranormal

After losing her family, friends, and job, Casi leaves California and returns to New Orleans to start over again after a tragedy involving two children destroyed her life. The blame is solely put on Casi, and not the responsible party. She opens a shop and does fake tarot readings to get by. One night after work, Casi is attacked and taken to a basement where she is tied up.

Sienna Wilder has landed her dream job—park ranger at Yellowstone National Park. The park is neutral territory in a world of territorial shifters whose demand for loyalty and allegiance can come at a high price. Sienna knows nothing of her roots except that she's not a normal shifter.

Eros, primordial God of Love, has spent millennia searching for his other half ripped from him during war among the gods. Agreeing to punish Psyche, a beautiful mortal at the request of the vain goddess Aphrodite, he's shocked when he recognizes she's his long-lost immortal soul mate, Thesis, reborn!

Orphaned Aubrey Karle, owner of Relics antique shop in Wickwood, feels she needs to make some changes to get out of her rut. Roman Milone, demon hunter, is on a mission to stop an earth shattering hell-raising prophecy. Their instant attraction causes a tantrum from Aubrey’s ghostly companion, Finn; and worries her best friend, Stella.

Moving to a new town to escape a traumatic near-death experience has left Madeleine shell-shocked and leery of everyone, especially the small-town gossips she has encountered. Finding that many are welcoming of her special abilities, but unaware she is a spell-casting witch, Madeleine wonders if she would still be so accepted in Hillendale if  people found out what she really was capable of.
