Reviews - Paranormal

Vee is a badass defender against an army of lethally dangerous cryptids. Raised and trained to serve The Company, she’s well equipped to kick butt but has no idea how to share herself and her heart. Bruce is an arrogant, talented, handsome chef whose star is on the rise. He lives life on the edge, including his love life.

DNF: Night Marked has received a DNF from us due to the nature of it's content (MMF/Menage) which violates our steam guidelines.

Lynn-Alexandria McKendrick

Jane Black is in trouble. She has been performing spells, reading tarot cards and other magical things in her small town. People are angry at her when her spells backfire, and she is having trouble dealing with it. All she wants to do is make life better for people. That isn’t easy when a dragon shifter appears and is giving her problems. Leos has been around the block so many times.
Henry Bautista and Cerissa Patel finally get to celebrate their engagement, which seemed to take forever to arrive. After a wonderful evening of celebrations, things soon go pear-shaped as a massive earthquake hits the Hill, causing more damage than anyone expects, and brings up some PTSD for Cerissa who survived an earthquake that decimated her village in India when she was a child.

Meet a sexy alpha werewolf and learn new ways to enjoy chocolate dipped strawberries! Harley Ryan is a reclusive computer hacker who gets into trouble when she is captured by the powerful immortal whom she has been hired to spy upon. Cassius Reed and his crew, the Sons of the Fallen, don’t hurt innocents but Harley has been working for his enemy and needs to answer for that. Or does she?
