Recent Reviews

PARANORMAL: Darrell and Erin Henshaw are newlyweds on their honeymoon. Swimming with manatees, jogging on hiking trails, Christmas shopping, and visiting the beach are all on their agenda. One night, after they go to bed, Darrell hears weeping. He investigates and knocks a painting they bought off the counter.


Phillippa Doubletree, Phil to her friends, has a trust fund, thus never has money issues. To give back to the community, she volunteers at a women’s shelter which takes care of battered women and their children. One night, she takes a severely battered woman to the Emergency Room for help and has a run-in with the handsome Physician’s Assistant, Decker Madina. Soon afterward, he asks Phil out.

Beverielle has poor beginnings as the daughter of a tavern wench. When her mother dies, she is sent off to a priory until she is rescued by Lady Isabella. She learns she is the bastard daughter of Duke Philip of Burgundy, and she is to live in the castle. Once there, Roidh Keegan, a Scotsman, catches her eye, but she is married off to a mean Italian who treats her brutally.

The Ice Duchess

Georgiana, the “Ice Countess” is the widow of the Earl of Winterbourne. He was much older than she and abusive. As a result, Georgiana vows to never wed again. She founds the “Duchess Society,” an elite group of debutantes who are tutored about marriage and survival. It is said she has no emotions, but the truth is she keeps them to herself.

New mother Carrie is trying to revive her catering business. Twin sister Emory is her cupcake caterer. Their latest contract has earmarks for being a well-spring for them in both money and new contracts with wealthy clients. Too bad Emory is met by an NFL linebacker with a gun when she comes to the door of the Jorgensen’s.
