Recent Reviews

Rolfe Munro just lost the only woman he wanted to marry and with his father, Laird Munro, close to death, he’s being pressured to find a wife to bear an heir, as a duty to his clan. What Rolfe doesn’t expect is that the chase of his cousin, Seath Leslie, will be the key to finding his future bride. Seath is after Annis, a widowed English woman with bastard royal blood.

Thomas Taylor drinks too much one night and passes out at his desk; he wakes up to his wife lying dead on the floor, with a bullet in her heart, and his youngest son shaken up and staring at his mother. His neighbors in Thunder Lake all whisper behind his back believing he killed her, but he is exonerated for lack of evidence. He and his six sons live without any frills.

Fatal Infraction (Mike Stoneman Thriller #4)
Kevin G. Chapman
Narrator: Kevin G. Chapman

Jimmy Rydell is found naked and dead on a carousel in Central Park. It’s obvious to detectives Mike Stoneman and Jason Dickson that Jimmy has been strangled, but the cause of death isn’t officially determined until an autopsy is complete. Unfortunately, Jimmy’s body is frozen, and has to thaw before Michelle McNeill, Mike’s girlfriend, can perform the autopsy.

Audrey Powell finds running her late mother’s beloved teahouse, Tea and Poetry, to be a daunting task. Her cooking skills are abysmal. She is also still running the family published paper. Her identical twin sister, model Lucia, is also in crisis. The ladies decide to trade places, with Audrey masquerading as Lucia running the teahouse and Lucia running the paper.

When Captain Nicholas Ambrose is summoned by Maxwell, Baron Leeming, he is shocked when Max asks Nicholas to be the guardian of his children when he dies. He also requests Nicholas keep his children safe from his evil brother, Simon Leeming. Nicholas agrees, hoping never to have this responsibility.
