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Blair leaves Michigan to get away from the love of her life, Brandis, an alcoholic who causes chaos in her life and the lives of her family and his. She moves to Louisville, Kentucky to get a new start, where she opens Blair’s Kitchen, a well-loved restaurant. It is so popular, she decides to expand adding an annex, but is called back to Michigan where her life is turned upside down.

There is nothing more annoying than men who only see a dowry instead of the woman. Lady Clara Grammont is weary of the aristocratic society. Lady Clara, her mother, and her step-father return to their old home to bury the harsh feelings that occurred there. There are several other guests at the estate and many are of polite society, except for John Smith.

SCI-FI: Sabine Harper is an agent for a corporation called Vortech. After the solar flare killed millions and knocked out power grids, she spent most of her time at the top of the world training for her next mission. When she is assigned the mission, she discovers that she will be traveling to a hidden civilization under a dome.

LGBTQ: Elliana and her twin sister, Brielle are quite powerful. So powerful, in fact, that many supernatural creatures either want them dead or to utilize their power. Realizing the predicament they are in, they are sent to another realm until it is safe. After two years, they attempt to come back. Elliana sees her old flame in trouble. She takes a risk to save her and it backfires.

Travis Kane is a jungle guide who is tired of moving around. He unexpectedly receives an inheritance from a grandfather he barely knew. It’s a box that he is told to protect, a letter, a home, and a few other items. Travis believes his grandfather was a little ‘off’ as he spent a lot of time searching for a lost treasure in Peru.
