Recent Reviews

If someone hurts you deeply, do you owe them a second chance? Five years ago, Emily Bennet made the impulsive choice to run away from her hometown of Last Chance Beach the night before her wedding. She left behind her heartbroken fiancé, Chase Michaels, without an explanation or a goodbye. Now she has returned from the big city to reconnect with friends and family.

TIME TRAVEL: When Ginny Hughes finds herself doggedly pursued by her emotionally abusive ex-husband, her means of escape is exceptional! Ginny “borrows” a time travel device and fulfills her dream of experiencing history firsthand. She lands in the middle of Scotland’s Battle of Culloden and accidentally derails Bonny Prince Charlie’s escape to France.

“Theo Lazaridis. Lover … or liar?” Zoe Thomas can’t believe her luck. The young archeologist has been deployed to the Greek island of Anemodonos to conduct artifact and botanical surveys. The gorgeously sunny locale feels strangely like home. A new awareness is coursing through her body. And handsome Theo, the fisherman’s helper, has captured her heart.

SCI-FI: Aliens have come to Earth to conquer and clear out all of humanity. Whole families are slaughtered without hesitation. Brooke Carter is a survivor, and she bands together with a small group of humans to attempt reclaiming what has been taken from them.

Bury the Lead
Mischa Thrace
Narrator: Joyce Oben

Young journalist Kennedy Carter has a love for Sherlock Holmes and his crime solving methodology, so much so she incorporates them into her investigative reporting skills. With them, she’s determined to win the Excellence in Emerging Journalism award which comes with a fantastic cash prize. With it, she hopes to leave her small town and get out into the real world.
