Reviews - Young Adult / New Adult

Shadow Bloodlines Book 1
Andrea R.

PARANORMAL:  It was meant to be just another ordinary day. Beth is contacted by her estranged father out of the blue and told not to go to school. As if she’d listen to him after all these years.

HISTORICAL/FANTASY:  Fifteen-year old Lady Fenella is no stranger to responsibility. As Thanes of Thorbourn she spends her days mitigating disputes and avoiding conflict with rival clans.

PARANORMAL:  Giselle Richards, now adopted by a werewolf pack in Las Vegas, still has questions about her past.

Legion Lost

PARANORMAL/SCI-FI/DYSTOPIAN:  In a dystopian world, families live underground, hiding from the System now ruling above. When her family comes under attack by the dreaded System, one girl must try to survive on her own, on the surface. To do so she adopts the name and personality of a boy, Raja, and tries to find solace with the Legion.


PARANORMAL:  “Reverie” is the sequel to L.E. Fred’s YA fantasy novel, "Lucid".
