Reviews - Young Adult / New Adult

Demons: (Eirik Book 1)

PARANORMAL:  After having lived abysmally as a human on earth, Eirik Baldurson has gone to the underworld to meet Hel, the mother he never knew.

PARANORMAL:  Samantha Campbell has a secret that only one other person knows.

SCI-FI:  Jezebel James lives in a dystopian world where emotions and free thinking are strictly controlled by electronic implants.  No rebellion is tolerated.  On her way to becoming a brilliant scientist

PARANORMAL:  Grazi is caught between two worlds and doesn’t know where her allegiance lies.  Her heart however, knows with whom she belongs.  Desperate to reunite with her true love, Ronan, she must battl

PARANORMAL:  Young Maria Graziana Kelly has discovered a lot about herself in the past year. First, she is a werewolf and sole heir to Greyback Pack, Hounds of God. Secondly, she is a dreamwalker.
