Recent Reviews

The New Empire
Alison McBain

HISTORICAL: Jiangxi finds himself in a difficult situation when his father, the Emperor, dies and his brother sells him as a slave. When he reaches his destination of Wacharon, he meets the man who now owns him, Onas. He has a lot to learn and it is a shock to his system going from being an Emperor’s son, to a slave.

Fiona Hamilton wants a happily ever after, but she also wants her website to be a success – and this comes true thanks to the attention and hard work she puts into it. When she meets Caleb Zeno, there is sexual tension – and a lot of other tension she doesn’t need to be dealing with.

HISTORICAL: Joy Fitzroy is sick of people pitying her lack of marriage prospects. It’s not like she can wave a magic wand and make a husband appear, but it seems that the fates have other plans when they bring Gilbert Kitteridge and his daughters to her. It’s hard to miss the heat between them, and Joy is determined not to give in to the man who has wicked thoughts in his mind.

Sean O’Malley has a job to do and it’s going to be a painful one. Determined to find out who is after Earl Lippincott and Lady Aurelia, he ends up at the Modiste and rescues the beautiful Mignonette de Chauret when the shop she works in is broken into. The only gowns missing are Lady Aurelia’s and this intrigues Sean, but not as much as the beautiful woman he had in his arms.

Reagan McNeill is as far from a damsel in distress as they come, which Pele Tuitama finds out the hard way when he has to go undercover at a children’s camp in order to protect her. Even his enhanced abilities won’t stand him in much stead when Reagan sets her mind to something. But the woman drives him insane and when she’s near, he can’t seem to think straight.
