Recent Reviews

Thanksgiving is right around the bend, and the small town of Pecan Bayou, Texas coming down with the flu.

NEW ADULT:  Jori Virtanen decided to go on a cruise to find inspiration for his art and to get away from the modeling crowd.

Joelle Quint, notorious female pirate and captain of the legendary ship, Rissa, is tormented by unanswered questions about her past. After acquiring Sloan Ricker, a slave with map-reading skills, she sets sail to discover the truth - treasure worth more to her than any gold. However, Sloan has his own agenda.


PARANORMAL/FANTASY:  Sarah Parker has the supernatural gift of life, yet how she came to have this p

What if, one day, reality broke? What if all the creatures from stories started wandering around our world? Creatures from myths and legends, video games, manga stories as well as ones from other realms? 
