Recent Reviews

Joseph Shields never expected to die at nineteen in a toaster fire. But to his surprise, he wakes up neither in heaven nor hell but rather in Hyleberia, an island republic that rules the Earth and its reality. Selected at random to become a citizen and future worker, Joseph is surprised to learn that reality is more complicated than he ever imagined.

Ten years ago, Miss Tabitha Carter was forced to give up the love of her life and marry his cousin, an abusive and violent man with a fortune. Now a skittish widow, she’s terrified that either her husband will return from the grave or worse, the men he angered before his death will turn their wrath on her.

Ray Shipman is an optimist driven by an experience he had many years ago. The problem is that Ray is slipping deeper and deeper into the grips of Alzheimer’s, and the man that emerges is nothing like the cheerful man his family has always known. Worse yet, a dark family secret is wrapped up with the events that created the marriage and family he has now.

Dark Wine at Halloween

MYSTERY: As if Henry adjusting to being a new vampire parent and Cerissa having recently been acquitted of the mayor’s murder isn’t enough, a fun night out with their friends, Rolf and Karen, to visit a Haunted Funhouse, turns into another headache as they find a newborn vampire feeding on one of the staff members.

PARANORMAL: Colt Layne loves his horses, he loves the ranch he inherited from his late grandfather, and he loves playing music with his friends. Colt also operates a horse sanctuary and has a special gift which allows him to communicate with the large animals. When a mysterious stranger rolls onto his land claiming it’s rightfully his, many questions arise.
