Dark Wine at Halloween


MYSTERY: As if Henry adjusting to being a new vampire parent and Cerissa having recently been acquitted of the mayor’s murder isn’t enough, a fun night out with their friends, Rolf and Karen, to visit a Haunted Funhouse, turns into another headache as they find a newborn vampire feeding on one of the staff members. After returning to The Hill with the newborn, Henry and Cerissa must work to save his life - and uncover who his maker is. Is there a vengeful, jealous vampire trying to ruin The Hill’s well-kept secret by revealing the existence of vampires? Or is there a Revenant on the loose? With Chief of Police, Tig, and her partner, Jayden, leading the investigation, Henry and Cerissa try to help however they can. But when dead bodies keep turning up, how can things end well for the vampires on The Hill?

Readers are in for some spooktacular fun with this great whodunit! This tale mostly stands alone, but for full comprehension and appreciation of the world and its nuances, the series should be read in order. This installment features a fabulous mystery as a boy is turned against his will, and bodies keep surfacing in the nearby town. The chemistry between Henry and Cerissa is as sizzling as always, and their trademark humor will bring smiles and chuckles. Readers will be drawn in and kept glued to the pages as the mystery unfolds. Staple characters from the series make appearances which adds extra enjoyment for the fans. If one is looking for a fun paranormal tale to curl up with this Halloween season, “Dark Wine at Halloween” is a fang-tastic choice!

Piper Valentine