Recent Reviews

Weaving Magic

Addictions come in many forms. Some sneak up over time and are obviously harmful and dangerous. Some may even seem safe and helpful.  No matter what, the truth is that the escape from reality is the real problem, one that must be faced and conquered.

Lita Lawson hasn't been very successful in past relationships, and the one thing she wants most in life is a family of her own. Her current boyfriend Rich, wants to get married, but she isn't sure he is the one for her. His real personality comes through late one night while they are out on the town.  After a few drinks, he attacks and almost rapes her.


17-year-old, Seth, has a very special birthday present to get and with time ticking away, he still can’t think of the “perfect” something for his girlfriend, Dani.

Arranged marriages are a way of life for Gypsy's.  Oralia Simone is promised to Tobias McGrath at the age of 18, regardless of her feelings on the matter. After having danced in the matching celebration, she is introduced to her betrothed. Tobias is the next in line to lead his clan, and wants to make Oralia his, as she is the most beautiful gypsy in all the clan.

Switched, Too

Scott Charella went into the Navy and then the astronaut program, because he had always dreamed of going into space. When the government cut the space program, Scott lost his chance to do so. Until his twin brother, Captain Marcus Viator of the Star Ship Fleet Command Freedom, offered him a chance of a lifetime, to go into space as him.
