Reviews - Historical

Tabitha Chesworth has been a bridesmaid three times and is keen to finally get her turn as the bride. She is starting to worry her time will never come when she meets the Duke of Axwick. The Duke has vowed never to marry or have children due to the troubled men in his lineage. However, like most men, he craves the touch of a woman, and Miss Tabitha Chesworth is just the woman.

Now twenty-one, Berget was sold into marriage at the age of 17 to a 40-year-old man.  It was not a happy marriage, but it was short one; she was a widow before she was twenty.  After accidentally discovering that her parents have sold her off again to an even older evil and lecherous man, she escapes.

Valley of Dreams

Sarah M.

Patrick O’Connor is living in Canada after fighting in the Civil War and allowing his family to believe he is deceased. Attempting to drown his demons in alcohol, he is shocked to discover that his family heard that he was still alive and wanted him to come be with them in their new home in Hope Springs, Wyoming.

Barefoot in Hyde Park

Lilly Burkhart knew she would be in trouble when the Viscount grandson of her employer discovers her walking barefoot in the park. What she did not realize was that her life would be turned completely upside down! She has been previously told that she must marry to come into an inheritance from her long-lost great-aunt, but would marriage bring her happiness?

Rhedyn Lindsey, eldest daughter of Laird Lindsey, is well aware of her duty to submit to a marriage that will bring about an alliance with a more powerful clan. Her father has set his sights on the Clan Munro; however, a clash with Clan Mackenzie causes a kink in his plans.
