Reviews - Historical

When Yvaine’s brother finds her standing over the dead body of her abusive husband, he knows he has to get her out of the town fast if she is to keep her life and the life of her unborn babe. He seeks the counsel of the Highland Lord who happens to have a highlander, Cam MacKeefe, who needs a punishment.

The Patricia’s Wish vessel is co-captained by Branko, who is learning as he goes, and Mayda, a vampire who is restricted to the night shift, as the sun will scorch her. Branko loves Mayda and she is affectionate towards him, but she has only recently escaped from her husband who sold her to the medical community in America. She seeks freedom to be herself!

Opal De Petras has opened her home for an afternoon tea party, easing herself back into society. She has sheltered herself for seven years, ever since her husband left without a word. Today is the day Jasper is legally declared dead. A disturbance in the hallway reveals Jasper, her misplaced husband! Opal’s emotions are mixed. Why is he making an appearance now?

Captain Gibb MacGalloway sees Isabella Harcourt in his mother’s garden and wagers with her for a kiss. He wins and Isabella receives her first kiss. Gibb thinks nothing of it—he will never see her again. Imagine his surprise when he learns he is transporting Isabella to America! Her father has sold her in marriage to silver miner, Mr. Schuyler.

Lady Alexandrina Lawson has no interest in Society. A widow, her disaster of a marriage has made her wary of Society events and the marriage mart. Unfortunately, when an encounter with a drunk draws the Earl of Harwood to her rescue in a manner that could prove ruinous, her choices become few, allowing him to save her or give up all chance of reuniting with her son.
