Recent Reviews

Fatal Hunt

Jon, a retired FBI agent, is living peacefully with his pregnant wife, Jessica, and her son, Bryce, on a ranch in Montana. That is until mobsters set out to seek revenge on Jon and his family. Over a decade ago, Jon helped bring down Hugh Jones’ Kansas City Mob, and Hugh is determined to get his revenge. Hugh targets Jon and his family relentlessly.

Jane is the captain of Earth’s moon base, and she has been assigned to go on a mission with a Rhonar Warrior named Tor to locate ergamite. The treaty between Earth and the Rhonar Warriors is dependent upon them finding this, so despite their differences, they must work together.

Erika wants desperately to move away from her abusive family. As a little girl she found the woods to be a place of peace and would go there often to get away from her family. When she discovers wolves in the woods that almost seem like statues, she becomes very emotionally attached to them, seeking them out whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Life Dust: A Novel

Nettie and Andy have been best friends and soul mates since their early childhood. Engaged to be married, their wedding is put on hold when Andy receives orders from the Army to deploy to South Vietnam for a year. Determined to wait for him, Nettie focuses on her work as an ER nursing intern.

The Last Dollar Princess
Bennett Pennell

India Elisabeth Petra De Vries Ledbetter would rather live her life in her native Appalachia doing good works and staying home than attending the social whirl of Gilded Age New York. However, her mother and grandmama have plans in store for India and her fortune, so India finds herself attempting to impress the Astor’s old 400 and make an impressive match.
