Recent Reviews

Be Mine Forever

Single mother Sara Reed isn’t interested in dating – she is slammed with work, and taking care of her son is a full-time job. But when she meets Trey DeLuca she has to admit that she is tempted. True, he sure looks like a playboy, but he makes her feel like a desirable woman again. As for Trey, he is incredibly tempted by Sara, and not in a one-night-stand way.

Love on Mimosa Lane

Kristen Hemmings know she shouldn’t be feeling like this. She has no business feeling fluttery around Law Beaumont – his ex-wife is a harpy doing everything in her power to destroy his life, she is the assistant principal at his daughter’s school, and he is just one painful mess.

Fighting for the Edge

Professional ice skater Aubrey London isn’t exactly sure how it happened. She is the ultimate cynic when romance and love are in question. But ever since she started spending more time with Chris Grayden (can’t really avoid it since they are roommates), things are changing.

A Pirate’s Curse

PARANORMAL:  Hannah Knight is in trouble – her father’s ship is being attacked by pirates! And they are not ordinary pirates, oh no, they have red eyes, are really hard to kill and they can turn into bats! Vampire pirates! Luckily, another ship comes to rescue and saves her and her father.

Midsummer Solstice

Naida needs a place to hide – after her mother died she fled from her father who was forcing her into an arranged marriage she did not want. She comes to a small village on the Cornish coast – and meets the Tregartha family who offer her a place to stay.
