Recent Reviews

Is This Love?

Jed Cassius left his home to complete his duty and fulfill his father’s dying wish. Don Cassius left him with a difficult message long overdue to pass on to old neighbors and friends in the village where they'd once lived. When Jed re-enters Tamara's life, it's as the bearer of bad news. 

Dirty Tricks

Jay Marshall and Catherine Wakely have opposite agendas. He wants to settle his father's estate quickly, including the manor house left to him and Cat wants what her family deserves. Using a series of tricks, Cat has managed to scare off every site manager and crew with her haunted house scheme. 

Dr. Quinn Strickland lives the life of a typical buttoned up scientist. Her past has made her weary of love and uncomfortable outside of her labs. When Orson Parrott joins Eugenicorp Labs, he turns her world upside down. His handsome looks and casual ways warn her to stay far away.

Haven is in a lot of trouble. She is being held by Lord Henri, a crazy old vampire, who is convinced that she is in fact the love of his life reincarnated. She can’t even run away – not only is her father’s life in balance, but the one time she tried she was promptly returned to his henchman, Avrum Brenin.

When the Fur Flies

Alison Carver, Witch extraordinaire, didn’t see this coming. After helping a scared girl run away from her intended husband (an ancient Vampire), the only prediction she could make with certainty – she was going to die, soon. But fate intervened in the form of one Reginald Leclair, Wolf Alpha.
