Recent Reviews

Brooke Howe is a matchmaker, astrologer, and witch. She uses her knowledge of the stars and her magic to help others find their true love. What Brooke can’t seem to do is find true love for herself. Brooke’s newest challenge comes in the form of Nico Papadopolous. Nico has finally achieved his dream of owning his own restaurant, and now he is hoping to find true love as well.

PARANORMAL: Megan O’Neil likes to chase rockstars. However, that isn’t the only thing she likes to chase. Megan is also a ghost hunter which keeps her busy enough to not be interested in any type of relationship. That is, until she meets Thom James, the rockstar. When Megan gets fired from her professor job, she concentrates fully on her side engagement, hunting ghosts.

Lost Girls of Kato
Quinn Avery

Sterling Pruitt is a 32-year-old woman who seems to be having strange dreams about a young girl she never met. Once she moves from Los Angeles to a small city in Minnesota called Kato, she soon realizes moving to this small town was no coincidence. When she moves into a fixer upper, she is introduced to Theo who is interesting to her, even though he is older than her.

PARANORMAL: Mayla Brior is a selkie who has the magical power to shed her seal skin, so she can walk amongst the humans on land. Klaus Lovik’s bride has been stolen from him on his wedding day by his enemy: chieftain. He will do anything to find his bride, even capture a selkie for a bartering gift.

Rainn "Rai" Cloud, a talented singer, performs an ocean ceremony spreading the ashes of his family and ex-girlfriend, Tani, into the waters when a rogue wave causes Tani's urn to shatter and release her spirit; as well as plunging him into the churning ocean. Rai is rescued from drowning by a mysterious woman with an enchanting voice.
