Lost Girls of Kato

Quinn Avery

Sterling Pruitt is a 32-year-old woman who seems to be having strange dreams about a young girl she never met. Once she moves from Los Angeles to a small city in Minnesota called Kato, she soon realizes moving to this small town was no coincidence. When she moves into a fixer upper, she is introduced to Theo who is interesting to her, even though he is older than her. As soon as Sterling and Theo meet, they have this connection that Sterling can’t seem to place. However, when Sterling moves to Kato, her dreams seem to intensify, leading her into an adventure she was least expecting.

“Lost Girls of Kato” is written from two people’s points of view – a young girl and an older woman. Quinn Avery connects the book together by diving into two stories, showing the readers each side of how the person’s life ties together with the other. The young girls back story, shows the readers the purpose of Sterling. Without the young girl, there would be no Sterling. Sterling is the main purpose of the young girl in reason because she helps the police piece together a cold case which helps people of Kato move on. The author gives the readers a sense of hope with this story. In this action and supernatural adventure, the reader is shown a different side of life; a life that if one believes – can help give a person a second chance at a life they always wanted… A life that in the past, may have been taken too early from them. 

Stephanie Bell