Recent Reviews

Bowen Jensen is a hard-working rancher and entrepreneur. Keeping his ranch going and his business, Sleigh Bell Tours, running takes up most of his time. Between working and raising his teenage sister, he has no time left for a personal life.

HISTORICAL: Matthew Rydell, newly invested Duke of Embleton resents the title. His mother, Phillida, desperately wants him to wed and produce an heir, which is his duty to the dukedom. His idea of duty is returning to Paris to continue serving under General Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington. His brother, Mark, suggests Matthew meet with Mrs. Dove-Lyon.

Isabel Beaufort has been selected by the Duchess of Stanbury to be given a season. She is enraptured since her family is poverty stricken. The Duchess selects her by her bloodline – it goes all the way back to the Plantagenets. Lord Lymington, who will eventually become a Duke, is the selected suitor for Isabel. Mr.

HISTORICAL: At Almack’s, Sophia Fitzroy announces to her sister Caroline she wants a scandalous romance! Caroline admonishes her youngest sister. As her sister leaves, a handsome young man, Orlando Dunbar comes up to her side proclaiming he is available for a scandalous romance. Sophia refuses him at once, but he will not let the subject go.

After being summoned by his brother Russell, Viscount Darbringth, Jonah Reynolds is returning home. He has not been home in ten years – since his father disowned him. Russell is married and has four young daughters, but it is dangerous for his wife to have more children so Russell proposes a deal to Jonah; he needs to wed and sire an heir so that the Darbringth line will stay viable.
