Recent Reviews

The story starts with an accident involving the heroine, Roisin O’Malley, her son Aeden, and her sister Meg. Roisin and Aeden are saved by a mysterious man and Roisin has no idea who caused the accident or why. However Meg perished while Roisin was left horribly scarred and Aeden developed vocal damage.

Jack believes his wife, Annie, to be dead, and has struggled to cope with her loss. However, when he receives a cryptic note telling him everything he believed was a lie, Jack finds himself facing the impossible: Annie is alive. But when he finds her, she isn’t the same woman he used to know.

Savannah Finch has had a rough life and it seems to be getting worse. Someone has been sending her a charm every year, and she has no idea who it could be. When she is attacked and ends up in some very deep water, she is washed up on shore and found by a savior. Police Detective Rick Wilcowski finds Savannah washed up on the beach, and is immediately drawn into a dangerous situation.

HISTORICAL: Captain Hugh Rotherham has come home from war, but he is nothing remotely like the man he was before he left. He is thrown when he sees Jemima Fitzroy, who is helping veterans returning from the war. Jemima is part of a family who don’t understand her and she puts her focus into her work with veterans.

Still not fully dealing well with the loss of his partner, Sean McPherson has his eyes set on going back into law enforcement, and being with his fiancée, Emma Benton. At the Pines & Quill writers retreat in Bellingham Bay, they are looking at building their life together.
