Reviews - Contemporary

Love Between the Lines
A. D.

Marlowe Bennet, a prominent local Colorado Springs author, is visting Under the Sheets, one of the biggest book events in Denver, Colorado, for readers and authors alike. When Marlowe meets Heath Rochester, a book cover model, she is unsure of his motives. Heath is so much more than a pretty face; he is also a businessman owning Page Turners bookshop.

When the staff New Year’s after party turns into a sexy sleepover with her charmingly shy coworker, Rosie plans to make a break for it immediately upon waking. She’s thwarted when Eddie’s grandma arrives with breakfast and quickly assesses the situation.

The Better Man

Deege Morgan has a PhD in Artificial Intelligence under his belt, but no job to pay off his mountain of student loans. When he takes a teaching job, it’s not exactly what he wanted to do, but he has to pay the bills somehow. He believes this will be a stepping stone to the dream job he wants at a tech company.

Forbidden Devil

HOCKEY ROMANCE: Jazlyn and her older brother have inherited their father’s professional hockey team. They’re both highly respected athletes, but not so much as new franchise owners. Jazz is a two time Olympic medal winner in the sport, and Gordon was also an excellent player until an injury sidelined his career.

After just finding the perfect wedding dress, classical pianist Emma's happiness comes crashing down with a phone call. Believing he's doing the right thing by letting Emma go with no real explanation, Tony leaves not only Emma, but his close-knit Napa Valley family. They all believe he’s decided to live a playboy’s fun life on the Caribbean island of Mustique.
