Recent Reviews

And This Too Shall Pass

Alana Waverly is down in the dumps and down on her luck.  She has no job, no money, and no prospects, unless her debut romance novel begins to sell. Just as she sees a ray of hope, Alana is involved in a terrible accident. One that will take everything she has to pull herself  out of her downward spiral, and possibly find love in the process.

See Lynne Chased

Lynne Kelley is finally the owner of her own store. She just started to believe things just might go well when Nathan Craine showed up. He’s rich, handsome, wears Armani and is determined to buy her shop.  Nathan has his own reasons for wanting the store. Of course, the acquiring of it would be much easier if he didn’t like its quirky owner.

Dead Men Don’t Dust

Allison is teaching school in Philadelphia when she gets an invitation from her Aunt Charmaine and Uncle Leonard to come to their plantation and house sit, while they are traveling in Europe. When she arrives she discovers that everyone believes Lunviere plantation is haunted and that there is buried treasure on the property.

Ms. Farmer has definitely upped her game in this latest instalment of her Noble Hearts Series!
The Faithful Heart begins a year after The Loyal Heart left off -- with Lady Madeline a virtual prisoner in a convent, and condemned horse-thief turned nobleman Jack Tanner basking in the glow of Prince John's favor.

The Professor

Someone is murdering co-eds on college campuses.  The police are stumped, and everyone is terrified.  Mick O”Shaughnessy is an agent assigned to crack the case.  He’s trying everything, but the killer is leaving few clues.  He goes to a sorority to warn the young women about the lurking dangers, and while there, finds himself falling head over heels for Meg Connelly.  Meg is instantly attracted
