Recent Reviews

Beefcake and Mistakes

Jenna Corrigan moved back to her hometown in order to give her three year old song, Trevor, a decent life.  It has been a struggle, especially without any support from her family or the father.  She also holds a secret.  She promised her sister Mindy on her deathbed that she would raise Trevor as her own and she’s determined to keep that promise.  Legally he is her son and she'll never let him

Remembering Zane

Bonnie Reese has loved Zane ever since she was 10 years old and all the way through high school.  Unfortunately, he breaks up with her and their lives drift apart.

A Passing Storm
Phyllis J.

After 24 years of marriage Jennifer Redmond realizes that the relationship she shares with her husband Peter is ebbing to a close. Because of this, she decides to leave her husband and travel to Scotland in an effort to begin a new life on her own. She is both invigorated and terrified by her new situation.

After being betrayed to the del Fuego drug cartel, DEA Agent Cade MacKenzie is almost killed, and makes it his main goal in life to stop a ruthless date rape drug that was developed by the del Fuego cartel. Moving to Ft. Worth, Texas he decides that the only way to stop this cartel is to draw them out, on his terms.

Tudor Rubato

After surviving being in a coma for numerous months, and the stress it has cost nearly rips them apart, internationally known rock star Amadeus Tudor and his wife Zara have decide they need to rekindle their relationship. A decision to move to Scotland is just the ticket to solve their problems.
