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Captured by the English during Longshanks’s siege on Scotland, Ronan MacGregor is brutally tortured to within a hairs-breadth of life.  It is through nothing more than sheer will that Ronan finds a way to escape although his injuries, both physical and emotional, are so severe that little hope is held.  As a last desperate measure, his brother sends for a renowned English healer, knowing Ronan

A Timeless Romance Anthology: European Collection
Annette Lyon, G.G. Vandagriff, Michele Paige Holmes
Sarah M. Eden Heather B. Moore, Nancy Campbell Allen

No matter the time, no matter the century, no matter the place:  love finds the heart and leads people toward it.  In this collection of six short stories, we find a young journalist running from love amid the horrors of war, an heiress desperately hoping for something more than a match made from money, an almost-nun t

It is 1870 and twenty six-year old Katie Macauley has just arrived in Hope Springs, Wyoming to become the housekeeper of a prominent businessman.  An Irish immigrant, Katie's options are few and this is her last hope at employment.  She has been in servitude since she was eight years old - hard work has become her frie

Tender Touch

WESTERN:  Brianna Wight is running for her life, literally.  After three years of horrible abuse at the hands of her husband, Brianna has succeeded in faking her death and escaping.  Now she must find a way to St. Louis and her family before someone recognizes her and takes her back.

Love's Twist of Fate

Lydia Taylor's friends all seem to have romance in their lives and she craves the same. It's been so long, too long. Dwelling on this she is caught in a downpour and rushes to the shelter of a bookstore she doesn't recall ever existing. Undaunted, she enters.
