Recent Reviews

HISTORICAL: While most women dream of marrying for love, it doesn’t always work out that way. Violet Hambleton is a parson’s daughter who wants to marry the man she loves, Sebastian, also known as Viscount Stanworth. For a while, she has been receiving verses from a secret admirer, and in her wildest dreams, that person is Sebastian… But it can’t be.

TIME TRAVEL: All Bridgette Harris wants is a fresh start. Of course, that’s a bit hard to get when your ex travels in the same circles. Taking a chance, she takes the offer from an old woman to throw a coin into a fountain and in return, she can make a wish. What’s the worst that could happen? Perhaps not the worst, she finds herself in the arms of a brave knight.

Detective Winston Randhauser has an upsetting case land in his lap when an infant’s skull is unearthed in a groundbreaking. It becomes a lot worse when further investigation reveals the bodies of twenty infants in the grounds of what once was the Stillwater Home for Unwed Mothers. With lack of information and a growing list of suspects, Winston has his work cut out for him.

Tracy Bennett is working at Aunt Dee’s Lodge in hopes of raising money for a trip to New Zealand. Ben Walker has returned to Waverly Lake to handle his late parents’ affairs. However, he wishes to do so without others knowing who he is, so he assumes a different last name. He too ends up working at the lodge.

Set in the late 1780s, this is the story of Sarah Chesney, eldest daughter of Abigail Chesney Tanner. At eighteen, Sarah has decided it’s time to build a life and family of her own. She’s courted by two men, one a common everyday sort, the other, Ben Fitch, the son of the town’s richest man.
