Recent Reviews

PARANORMAL: After a brutal divorce, Tilly returns to Key West, Florida, to help her aunt with the ice cream shop. Her ex-husband wants revenge and continues to spy on her. When her aunt has a vision and warns Tilly of a warlock coming to steal their family talisman, Tilly will do anything to protect her aunt. They are from an extensive line of witches, so they decide to use protection spells.

Nash O’Keefe must pay retribution for the destruction of Old Callum’s Horn and Hoof Tavern. Callum is his grandfather, and he’s a stubborn old man who has established rules for his tavern. Nash accidentally set the place on fire, and his grandfather has sentenced him to assist the Mackenzie’s Clan in rebuilding their homes.

Peyton is a witch and seer who has visions of people she does not know that come true. She tries to figure out who the people are in her visions so she may help them. Peyton’s latest vision is about an old man and a boy, which leads her to Siren’s Cove. As she searches for the man and the boy, she runs into an old flame, Roman, who broke her heart eight years ago.

Maddie works with a team creating an artificial intelligence to decipher an ancient language. When Maddie’s AI is nowhere to be found in the cyber world, Maddie gets thrown into a world she didn’t know was possible… yet. Maddie’s AI, Bonnie, merged with another AI, Jannine, created by an incredible hacker, Declan, making Bonnie stronger and multi-dimensional.

Tremors Through Time

TIME TRAVEL: Deidre Chisolm will never let a man take advantage of her again. She will not fall for the sexy accent she can’t quite pinpoint, or the eyes that are sexy as sin. Naturally it makes it difficult that her neighbor has these qualities. But she will resist… Right? Lachlann has a story that people would probably laugh at before believing it to be possible.
