Recent Reviews

Daring Done Right
Charlie Lane

Lady Sarah is making ‘dares’ with the Ton members to support a poorly funded hospital. Each bet becomes increasingly dangerous, yet, disguised, along with two friends, she remains incognito and repeatedly wins. Sarah’s activities, however, gain the attention of a gentleman known as the Dare King, and he tags her as his Dare Queen.

Sir Galen Burleson, a warrior who’s survived many battles, is the sole heir to Tadcaster.

TIME TRAVEL: An independent young dermatologist, Jenne Lazaar, is visiting the Met in New York with her best friends, Emily and Gabriella. She is captivated by–and then swept into–one of a trio of Allegretto’s paintings, straight into the turn of the 20th century!

Mealaney Callaghan is a hybrid of vampire and blood fae, and things are seemingly good in her life. She has her boyfriend and black wolf, Teddy, a detective agency with her two sisters, and all the bad guys are in prison (if not dead). Oh, and cool accommodations in the heart of Las Vegas, courtesy of her grandfather, a powerful druid. But her strength is depleting.

SCIENCE FICTION: Elena Rivera is a crew captain for the first deep space vessel tasked with transporting earth’s scientists to create a colony on a new planet. Ambushed by space pirates, her crew is now missing, and Elena finds herself on a slave ship about to be sold.
