Recent Reviews

Lady Autumn is on her way back from Scotland when her boat must make an unscheduled docking due to bad weather. While there, she is kidnapped by men of the feared Lord Ravenscar who is rumored to be a beast of a man and is feared by all. Lord Benedict Grenfell took over the identity of Lord Ravenscar when the real Lord fell ill and died.

Becker Circle 


Gillian is making a new start in Texas. Leaving her abusive boyfriend behind, she gets a job in a bar in Becker Circle in order to meet new people and help pay the bills until she passes her CPA exams. A new life means new rules; rules she’s making up as she goes along. A murder and a potential new love complicate matters for Gillian.

SCI-FI:  In the Wild North, justice is administered with lead, and the value of life is measured in coils of iron. Dead or alive makes no difference to Nox the Bounty hunter; in fact, the only good criminal is a dead criminal. However, the shadows of the past dog Nox. The peace his soul craves cannot be found until he can find revenge for his murdered family.

TIME TRAVEL/FANTASY:  Dianna Cobham returns to the small Newfoundland town to bury her father and a painful chapter of her life. She soon discovers that the treasures left in the family home hold clues to her mother’s mysterious past. Perplexed, Dianna finds a ship in a bottle that has mysterious qualities.

Death on the Vine
L. Lee

As a senior in high school, Daisy Murphy helps her mother conceal the murder of her step-father.  That night, her mother skips town and leaves Daisy on her own.
