Reviews - Suspense/Thriller

Under Lock & Key

Paige’s new neighbors are certainly unusual. They look like gangsters, and Paige, while curious, would rather not get too close. However, she has work to do, and their dog’s incessant barking convinces her it is time to introduce herself.  Mick didn’t need any more complications, but when Paige shows up complaining about his dog, he fears she has seen too much.

He doesn’t fall in love. Relationships make you weak and Dominic can’t be seen as weak because he makes people disappear for a living. But there is one woman who intrigues him… the very one his boss wants dead. She writes love stories and plans weddings to make dreams come true for others while secretly longing for her own happily ever after.

After finally getting sober, Scarlett wants nothing more than to start over in a place where people don’t know her as the drug-addict songwriter.  Deciding a new adventure is just the ticket, she purchases an old grand mansion in the Shenandoah Valley to turn into a high-end bed and breakfast.  From the moment Scarlett arrives at the mansion though, odd things begin to happen.  When a tunnel un

Casey McKay left her home and sisters behind after uncovering a terrible secret and vowed never to return. Her sisters need her home, however, and hire Ryan Keller to find Casey. Ryan is used to difficult cases, and when he finds Casey, he manages to convince her to come home. What he didn't expect was to develop feelings for her.

Beyond Paradise

Cheryl Benson is desperate to escape her drugged-out, abusive boyfriend, Nicky. One night, he starts to attack Cheryl and she stabs him. She runs away but feels guilty, so she returns only to see a mob boss named Frank kill Nicky. She fleas to the only place she believes she might find help, the Beyond Paradise nightclub, where her old friend Eddie works.
