Recent Reviews

Lost Sierra
Amanda Taylor

Daphne Marlow has moved to the Sierra Nevada Mountains to escape her well-planned life. She’s pleased to have established a holistic healing practice and being able to help the people of Lost Sierra. One of her established patients is a Vietnam veteran who has become her friend. He’s always on time and ready… until the day he doesn’t show up.

Nature is just what Sophie loves, it’s her vocation. She is at home in the national forest that is filled with wildlife and botany she loves. When she finds out the handsome man who flirted with her after a failed first date has a travel channel on YouTube, she’s determined to get him out of town as quickly as possible.

Hyphenated Relations
Daniel Maunz

Family dynamics always make for good fiction. Sam’s life in interrupted by a surprise visit from her former father-in-law’s invitation to his engagement party. He and Sam were united by the tragedy of her husband and his wife being killed in a car accident. Though Sam reluctantly attended the party, what she found was family who raised dysfunction to a new level.

Storm Savage

Fringe (aka Susie) decides to accompany her friend Mackie to a concert on Friday night.  She’s not been out and about in quite some time. Her agoraphobia has kept her lying low on her family farm. Playing guitar has been her only form of therapy. Her friend Mackie has been there for her and helped her put the pieces together of a traumatic upbringing.

Doc Showmance
Zoe Forward

An emergency Vet clinic in San Diego with a reality TV show filming is where Amber gives her all. She is finalizing her residency and does not enjoy the cameras on her all the time, but the money is worth the hassle. Her surgery successes and knowledge has gained her high praise and popularity.
