Recent Reviews

My Brother's Keeper

King James' witch hunters terrorized men, women and children in Scotland in the early 1600's. Those accused of witchcraft, even if innocent, usually found no reprieve from the Church or their nobles. Instead they experienced the cruelty of the most grotesque tortures from biased prison guards, underhanded trials overseen by clerics and nobles, and finally immolation at the stake.

Keeper of My Heart

Twenty-one year old Katie McCullough is too young to be devoting her life to only two things:   Angus MacAfee "Pop" and restoring the Paige Point light station. She has worked and saved every dime from her two jobs, one at the local diner and the other at the “Rod 'n Reel” store.  The repairs to the cottage and keeper's house are coming along nicely in time for the bid on the property.

Dawn of a Dark Knight

Ashor is a hardened warrior who’s given up on life. The beast within him is getting harder and harder to control and the last thing he wants is to hurt innocent people with his rage. But everything changes when he sees Kira again. Ten years ago she saved his life and suffered for it. He knows that she couldn’t be his. And yet…

Pool of Crimson
Suzanne M.

Dahlia has honed her vampire-killing skills to perfection. She’s got the scars, stakes and a cool nickname (Blushing Death) to prove it. Unfortunately for her, the vampires never give up and are even now concocting a terrible scheme involving a demon, werewolves and her.

Kerby Webster prefers to be called a cowman instead of cowboy.  It shows he has respect for the profession, and isn’t just about flash and pomp.  This also tells a lot about Kerby as a man.  With the accidental death of his son and daughter-in-law, Kerby has recently become the sole guardian of his teenage grandson, Chuck.  Their relationship starts off a bit bumpy with neither knowing how to r
