Reviews - Paranormal

Hyacinth can’t seem to get a grip on her current situation. Her nephew Geordi is with a demon named Jason while she is cleaning up the previous incident. The Burke’s tried to use a stone to release Satan and utilize his powers. With that now behind them, she should get a break right? Wrong. The archangel Michael needs her to collect more of his rocks that retain some of his power.

Emery Montgomery doesn’t want to compete for the heart of a vampire prince, but when her twin is tragically killed, she doesn’t have much of a choice. She has been chosen by the silver band of the Culling, and, for now, she must abide by its demands. In an archaic version of The Bachelor, August Nicholson must choose his mate. All of the women are boring and cut from the same cloth.


When Isabella Barton runs from the disappointment that is her crumbled engagement to Ivan Sergeyev, head of the Russian mob in New York, she seeks refuge in the stately home that once belonged to her grandmother. Isabella is filled with regret and distrust in men.

It’s been a while since successful businessman Kyle Worthington has stepped foot on Last Chance Beach. However, family obligations demand he return for a fall festival, and he’s not particularly looking forward to it. Determined to get his family off of his back, and to stop being the butt of their jokes, Kyle brings Cassandra Corwin home as his pretend girlfriend.

Lady Jane Lenwood lives at Rathborne Castle. Through circumstances brought on by a dastardly duke, she is left penniless. The forest where her home resides is full of darkness and mystery. Lady Jane has a secret, she has a voice in her mind that tells her the future, and it forewarns of a visitor arriving at her gates that will greatly impact her destiny.
