Reviews - Paranormal

Sybille Esmond has overcome one enemy to find herself facing another. Now that their enemy, the Ossians, hasbeen vanquished, she's left with the spirits of Bloodthirsters seeking a way to the After Life. If only she knew how to get them there and out of her house!

Ghosts of New England: Skullery Bay
Nancy Fraser, Kathryn Hills, and
Lisa A. Olech

Three authors have come together to write this beautiful anthology that has a touch of paranormal and historical romance. These four stories follow the life and death of a pirate and his true lady love, as well as their ancestors who find love while trying to bring Fairwinds back to life like it used to be.

Jinx McGee is the outcast of her family and has been different for as long as she can remember. She is a demon hunter, who saw her first demon when she was 5 years-old while looking in the mirror. She is no ordinary demon hunter and is possessed by a demon who has occupied her body since she was a child. While Jinx is hunting, another demon tries to pull Jinx’s demon out of her body.

Cambion's Law

As a prosecuting attorney for San Francisco, Lily Knight has worked hard to put her secret hedonistic, half-succubus lifestyle behind her. She puts the bad guys in prison. She's weaning herself from sipping the ether of unsuspecting humans. She even has a cat named Delilah.

When a prominent vampire offers to keep you safe from danger, a normal person might at least hesitate at the thought, but not Iris. The two options in front of her are go with a seemingly nice, rich vampire, or risk being found by your madman foster father who wants to carve open your head to find out why you can read minds. Well, most minds anyways.
