Reviews - Paranormal

Lynzi Lancaster lost the love of her life twenty years ago.  When the box holding treasured memories of that relationship falls out of the closet, it is only the beginning.  Life-threatening incidents occur; and she has strange dreams about her love, Layne Brady.    She wakes from one of the dreams to find Layne in bed with her.

Feeling Lucky

FANTASY:  When Megan O’Malley impulsively pinched the rear end of a cute (if somewhat short) musician at a wedding, she had no idea it would constitute “catching” a leprechaun and taking control of his “pot of gold” (or in this case, a five million dollar fortune)!

Dream Student (Dreams #1)

Sara can’t figure out what’s happening.  When she falls asleep, she starts watching other people’s dreams.  One horrifying dream keeps repeating itself – a man is on a killing rampage, and Sara has a front row seat as she watches him abduct, attack, and kill his helpless victims.

A dragon…Kraz can hardly bear this indignity. Long ago they had trapped him, the most magnificent dragon, and left him to rot! And now this puny human thinks to leash him?! Oh, well, for the sake of the land he will bear it. But he is not theirs… They are all his.

Is there anything in this world more painful than losing your child? Eight years ago, Jai Dashkov experienced that horror firsthand, when she had her daughter stolen from her. She’s been looking for her ever since.
