Recent Reviews

All Fall Down
Julie Coulter

Rafe Kelly is a Navy SEAL home from Afghanistan to recuperate from his injuries, in particular a knee injury. His younger brother, Vince is the acting CEO of Axis, Inc. in Hartford Ct., a computer forensics company on the verge of catapulting to the forefront of the industry while their father is in the hospital.

Saving the Rifleman

Europe is torn by the vagaries of the Great War - thousands upon thousands are dead or refugees, left with nothing. In the middle of occupied Belgium stands a hospital. A hospital whose nurses are dedicated to the Allies, who do everything in their power to smuggle wounded soldiers to safety. Maria is one of those nurses.

Elizabeth VanHussen is patiently waiting for Captain Blake Harrison at the Christmas ball being thrown by her Uncle James.  They have continued a correspondence in spite of the civil war that has kept them apart.  If only they could have some time together she would show him all that she feels and more.  Tonight is her perfect opportunity and she will not let it slip by. 

Tumbling Hearts

Anna Fortier has been a gymnast most of her life.  Now she is turning nineteen, and wants more in life - like the man of her dreams, her former coach Taras Volkov. Anna thinks Taras doesn’t even know she exists outside the gym or that she is now a woman. A woman that lusts after him day and night.  But, with a little courage, she could let him know that he is what she wants.


Jonathan Bishop has waited a very long time for the right woman to come along. He is ready to give up on ever finding the right woman, but decides to give it one more chance. When woman he considers very plain steps into his life, and he decides to take a chance and see what will come of it.
