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In the kingdom of Orynthia, four houses advise the royal family. Each house has a single Haidren, or advisor, as well as an al’Haidren, who is next in line. Luscia Tiergan is the al’Haidren for Boreal. The Boreal is looked upon by other houses as evil witches. Her introduction to court life is fraught with tension as Zaethan, the al’Haidren to Darakai, antagonizes Luscia.

The Reluctant Scot

Catriona Dewar has buried herself in work following the death of her husband. When Sir Reynaud Graehm, envoy for King William, nearly runs over Catriona and her maid, the attraction is instant. But Catriona has never experienced real love and doesn’t know how to react to her emotions. Sir Reynaud is Scottish by birth, but bound to a Norman ruler by livelihood.

When the FBI interrupt Karina Cardinal’s morning by searching her apartment for her ex-boyfriend, Mike Finnegan, Karina knows something is majorly wrong. Her fastidious, FBI agent ex is the last person she would expect to steal 1.2 million dollars. She begins to investigate on her own, but the eyes of the FBI are on her: her apartment is bugged and she has a constant tail.

A Prophecy of Wings

FANTASY: Sixteen years ago, Edwina delivered a prophecy to the kingdom that would change the fairy world forever. Through the birth of Lina, the prophecy begins to be fulfilled when the evil Dahlia kills her twin sister and takes over the throne. Lina, having been raised in the mortal world all this time, is only just discovering who she really is—the rightful heir to the fairy throne.

Coleby de Velt has been working as a spy for The Marshall in the Scottish court for some time. When news of a war in Berwick becomes apparent, The Marshall, decides to gather the English armies to join together to fight against the pending Scottish invasion.
