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MULTICUTURAL:  Oksana is almost fourteen and living on the streets of Russia. While some girls her age worry about impressing boys and finding the perfect pair of jeans, she has to worry about her pregnant mom, who’s an alcoholic, and an abusive aunt, who works as a prostitute.

Jamie Douglas is fighting with his friend Robert Bruce to drive the English out of Scotland and to see Robert crowned king.  They are overmatched in fists, but ahead in wits.  And that’s how they keep one step ahead of the enemy.  Jamie fights with a special purpose - he had a vision that

Taming Lisa

When Lisa rescues a cat from a car she has no idea she’ll meet the man of her dreams.  She comes face-to-face with Max Collins, a serious hunk of a guy in front of whom she keeps making a fool of herself.  And Max is falling for Lisa in a big way, but he’s got a lot of other things on his plate.

DYSTOPIAN:  Mira is a gladiator fighting for her life.  Her vampire race has been enslaved by the humans and treated like animals - used for blood sport to slake the human desire for violence.

Sarah has her life all figured out – she’ll marry her boyfriend Matt, and they’ll live happily ever after.  It’s not what Sarah really wants but she is agreeable and easygoing, just the kind of girl Matt likes to control, and he won’t give her up without a fight.
