Recent Reviews

Sarah Thomas is a 30 year-old nurse at a Boston hospital.  Her two older sisters are worried about her and are always trying to protect her from her past, where they suffered so much as children.  They finally receive some hope that Sarah will find true love when Derrick DiNunzio returns to Boston.  The family has always known that Derrick is in love with Sarah, but Sarah has always had nothing

The Goodbye Man

Jack Steel is or was a cop, a CSI and now a self appointed vigilante of justice. Bad guys that the cops can't find are findable for Jack and his shepherd, Sadie.  At sixty, Jack is a retired widower and, while he lacks the speed of a younger man, Sadie fills the gap as a very able partner in his hunting sprees.

Saving Grace

Grace Pearson leads a busy life. She’s a mother and a wife who, unfortunately, can’t depend much on her husband. For years she was forced to take care of most things herself, from their children, to paying the bills, even all the work around the house. It all comes to a head when she falls and gets injured. Suddenly she can’t do anything. She’s in constant pain, her independence non-existent.


There are some truths every girl knows.  Then there are things she’s warned against, like getting into a car with a stranger.  Getting into a car with a stranger to meet another stranger at an undisclosed location is most definitely another!  Haven is very well aware of this, but it’s not just any stranger she’s meeting.  It's Jett Cestone, the famous tech-wizard billionaire, and he wants to di

Death Speaker

This book follows the life of Emyn, a Death Speaker - a person who sees ghosts and can speak with them. It’s a very useful ability to have, since ghosts are very well informed. They can’t tell the future, but they know the present.
