Reviews - Historical

Miss Rebecca Hawkins’ freedom is limited. Controlled by her title-hungry uncle, she is expected to court and wed the most boring lord her uncle finds acceptable. She yearns for adventure, but a single lady has no business seeking adventures according to society. Zachary Caswell has little use for the Ton.

WESTERN:  Colorado Territory, 1870. Stuart McGee is a bounty hunter finishing his last job. Now he can settle down on his ranch and maybe start a family. The last thing he expects is to find a murdered couple and their orphaned eighteen-month-old daughter at the scene of his last hunt. He claims his bounty and newly takes orphaned Addie along on the trek home to Broken Wheel.

A Note of Change – A Timeless Victorian Collection
Esther Hatch, Nichole Van,
Annette Lyon

“Waiting for the Post” is a witty story about a six-year-old love letter mistakenly posted. Childhood friendship, miscommunications and insecurities between Harry and Christine must be erased before their secret and unfulfilled feelings of love can flourish. Readers will enjoy the banter and sigh over the sweet ending.

Miss Amber Gold works in a jewelry store under the Lyon’s Den. Amber creates jewelry when not living in daydreams. She is summoned by Elliott Rees, Lord Bryn, to give him a brooch which was sold to the store accidentally. Unfortunately, Amber does not have it because she turned it into something else. Elliott needs the pin to further his political career, or he will lose his credibility.

With her father no longer able to continue his job as the king’s chronicler, Bridget takes it up in his stead. When Caleb shows interest in her, she must guard her secret well, for if discovered, both her and her father’s lives would be at stake.
