Reviews - Historical

After cuckolding a neighboring Scot, Ross MacDougall is called before his laird. The wily lord has a surprise for Ross from another whom he has betrayed. Ross sees a wee lass who is skin and bones, with a red mark on her cheek, dressed in rags. Alexander MacDougall, his laird, tells him this is to be his wife! Ross is astounded this creature could be female. He accepts his fate good-naturedly.

Lady Isadora Malbury has been named leader of the Wicked Ladies Salon, a secret group of select ladies. She must secure Wembly Hall for their meetings. Thomas Grandstone, Duke of Avondale, is equally interested in Wembly Hall and Lady Isadora. Tom has determined Isadora is the only lady who will do for his duchess. She’s independent, which is important to Tom because he is a spy for the crown.

To Kiss a Wallflower (Timeless Regency Collection Anthology)
Jen Geigle Johnson, Heather B. Moore &
Anneka R. Walker

“To Kiss a Wallflower” is a three-story anthology including ‘The Wallflower’s Dance’, ‘Letters to a Wallflower’, and ‘To Marry a Wallflower’. The stories are all standalone and complete. In ‘The Wallflower’s Dance’, shy and introverted Lottie Hughes relies on her two friends, Denny and Grace, to guide her through the social season.

When Katherine Radbourne goes in search of her missing brother, she’s abducted by Morgan Langston, Earl of Whetherford who mistakes her for another woman who stole from his family. He’s tired of the life he was living and has reconciled himself to his duty to marry and produce an heir. Yet, he believes love has no place in a marriage.

Disillusioned by the state of her parents’ marriage and infidelity, Diana Kendricks is perfectly happy with the prospect of living out her life in spinsterhood. That is, until she meets Lord James Barrington, known as the Marquess of Magic. James has loved magic his entire life, often using it as a shield for his emotions. When Diana returns to visit Mrs.
