Reviews - Historical

Branwen Glanville just wanted a little adventure in her life, but nothing could have prepared her for what would happen when a case of mistaken identity suddenly puts her life in jeopardy and opens her eyes to a plethora of new experiences, not all of which are appropriate!

Alys is forced to live with her cousin who hates her, so she wants nothing more than to get away. When she meets a nobleman who has been banished from the Queen’s court, she knows she should not become involved with him, and yet, she cannot resist. When she helps him foil a plot against Queen Elizabeth, she knows that danger is on their heels.

Olivia Beaumont has lost everything. Her Father gambled their money in a game of faro, and they lost everything to a Duke. Olivia can only think of one thing, revenge. The one downside is that she has to ask the Duke of Skeffington for help, and he does not have the best reputation. Lewis Sexton became embroiled in a scandal, and now all he wants to do is find solace in the bottom of a bottle.

Lady Phillipa Worthington fully earns her nickname of “Pip.” Refusing to be married off to a wealthy old man, Pip takes a drastic route of escape—as stowaway on a merchant ship bound for America. With her hair chopped short and disguised as a boy, Pip is lucky the captain, Daniel Simmons, is not only handsome but forgiving to a fault.

Always The Courtesan
Emily E.K.

Lady Horona Lennox has not gone by her real name since she was abducted and sold into a brothel.  Since that time, she has known nothing but unhappiness.  That is, until Josiah Stanhope, Earl of Chester walks through the door. Now, however she is faced with a terrible decision. If Madam has anything to say about it, she will be married off.
