Reviews - Historical

Star of Light: A Historical Romance Collection #2
Paula Quinn, Mary Lancaster, Hildie McQueen, Maggi Andersen, Maeve Greyson, Emily Royal, Sandra Sookoo, Charlotte Wren,
Mia Pride, Lynne Connolly, Melanie Rose Clarke, Rachel Ann Smith, Elizabeth Johns

ANTHOLOGY: This anthology contains 13 novellas, each written by a different author. Each story is based upon a well-known Christmas carol, and each storyline adds an unexpected layer of meaning to that particular carol. The authors bring the music to life in a variety of ways, and with varying degrees of success.

It is Patsy Crompton’s first season. But Patsy isn’t in a hurry to find a husband. She wants to enjoy her season and is looking for a love match. All that changes when she dances with The Earl of Ainsworth, Nicolai Morgan-Lloyd. Nicolai is Patsy’s polar opposite. He is a stickler for the rules while she is fun and pushes all the boundaries.

Timothy Holt has three young sisters to marry off in a single season. Three debutantes. Eloisa is a proper young debutante. However, when a painting of her mother is shown at a party, and her mother is nude, she must stop more paintings from being shown if she and her sisters want to have a proper season. Eloisa will go to any length to stop the paintings from being shown.

Percival is the Earl of Plymouth and his aunt is demanding that he marry. After what happened to his parents, marriage is the last thing on his mind. So his friend helps him procure an actress and plans to be caught in a compromising position. He hopes that as a result, the requests for marriage will cease.
